Autor: PaulRdy
I made Shields for Franken Game Jam 2019 It’s a coop-twin-stick-shooter, where you rotate the shield of an ally! Only playable with two xBox controllers. I did coding (player controls) and audio on the project. Hannah Kümmel was responsible for more coding as well as the visuals.
Snow Storm
For Global Game Jam 2019 I made Snow Storm together with Linus (@linusgaertig) and Nils! Snow Storm is a slow paced soulslike adventure where you must save a stranger from a snow storm. It is about getting to know your environment. I was responsible for code, music & sounddesign. Download (Win)
I made Hotbrauce for the Games/Bavaria BBQ Jam 2018 together with Tobey Burger (UI, GameDesign, Animation), Patrick Müller(Code) and Ramona Hartmann (Art). It’s a 2D smashlike where two ninjas spray eachother with hotsauce! I worked on the Code and Music. Build (Win64) Build (Mac)
[soundcloud][/soundcloud] I got a guitar. Here’s some music 😀
Reblob is an abstract puzzle game for Android. It is the first fully to be released (on Android, December 16th 2018) game project I was a part of. I was the main programmer for Reblob and responsible pretty much everything code related except for the animation system. I also did some level design and music…
French People and the Mafia
French People and the Mafia was a prototype I developed with Carl-Philipp Hellmuth, Ivette Schmidt and Tobias Heiles as Hasty Gerbil Games. We exhibited the game at Quo Vadis 2018 as well as Games/Bavaria Vernissage and Update Games in the same year. In French People and the Mafia I was mainly responsible for code, system…
Legends of Ghovannion – The Fith Age
Ghovannion – The Fith Age was my final project for my B.A. media studies & media practice at Bayreuth university. It is a 120 page pen & paper role playing game based on an original fantasy world. It is – perhaps unfortunately – written entirely in German language. While developing the ruleset I focused mostly…
Hypergate Powernet
Hypergate Powernet is a Android puzzle game I made in my semester abroad at the University of Bradford. The player must connect nodes with energy streams. I made pretty much everything by myself. For the user interface I got help from André Weiß. Windows Build Android .apk
Farbtöne is a game jam game I made in late 2017. Teammembers included Florian Amthor, Eva Burghard, Tristan Heck and Lennart Derlin. The player experiences a grayscaled world and must solve puzzles to fill it with color. It is featured on the university of Bayreuths showcase-site, for which I got interviewed. Download (Windows)
Cards of Void
Cards of Void was the final project of Timo Radzik and Sebastian Reuther. I helped out with music and sound effects. The project was exhibited at Games/Bavaria Vernissage 2014. Download (Windows)